Yahoo! Avatars

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thing 23

  1. My favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey were image generators, photostory and googledocs.
  2. This program assisted and affected my lifelong learning goals because it has opened my eyes to many different ways I can teach my students how to broaden their horizons. With Library 2.0 the classroom is not contained in four walls. It is everywhere!
  3. The take-a-ways from this program that surprised me were when were learning about Podcasts. I thought to myself, I am never going to be able to figure this out, and when I do I will never use it! I learned that Photostory is so easy and I can use it in my classroom!
  4. To improve upon this program’s format or concept I think I would go through things 1-4 with the students in class. I know it is old fashioned... but I spent more time on my darn avatar than anything else. I think I just needed some support in getting started. I loved it once I got going and I appreciated that I didn't need to be in class to do it! The freedom of doing it online at my convenience was awesome!
  5. If another discovery program was offered like this in the future, I would choose to participate. This has helped me become a better educator and has introduced some fun new things to play with in my personal life!
  6. Innovative!

1 comment:

VWB said...

Congrats on completing your learning journey.
Yes, f2f is important to those of us who grew up learning virtually everything that way.
Unfortunatley, the explosion of knowledge almost makes it impossible to that any more for most new learning...especially anything tied to the is under constant change nad new stuff is added or changed minute by minute.
We are going to have to learn on our own in isolation often to master these new things and skills.
and schedules have gotten so complicated, when we do offer something f2f we often have only 50% show up!
It's a real delemma...and for us old timers, a whole new mind set, believe me!!